How to remove bugs from a car?

“Look how beautiful these dried bugs look on the grill” said no one ever.

We don’t like when a graveyard of flies and other vermin appears on the hood, lamps, or windshield. Not only because it looks ugly, but also, and foremost because dried insects can permanently damage the paintwork.

This article will answer the question: “how to remove bugs from a car?” in a simple, fast, effective, and safe way for the car.

Why is it worth removing insects from the car body?

First, let’s briefly elaborate on the subject of paint safety.

All organic dirt, such as insects, bird droppings, and tree sap, destroys the paintwork. If you don’t remove it in time, pitting corrosion may occur, which results in discoloration and, in extreme cases, even microcracks in the car body.

The other side of the coin is the way you remove such dirt. “Classic” methods, such as eliminating insects with a sponge and shampoo or under a strong stream of water in a touchless car wash, will not remove all the dirt. Unwashed residues will still be a potential threat to the paintwork.

So what to do?

How to remove bugs from a car in 3 steps

Step 1: Get a dedicated product for removing insects from the paint, the so-called Bug Remover that dissolves dried insects and separates them from the paintwork. It’s safe for any type of surface: plastic, glass, ceramic coating, hard wax.

Step 2: Apply it on the dirty surface. Spread it evenly and wait 1-2 minutes, depending on the recommendations on the product’s cover.

Step 3: Rinse with water under pressure. Dissolved insects will make their final journey with the stream of water straight to the drain.

Removing insects from the paint: what to do, what not?

What else do you need to know? Let’s take a look at the three final suggestions on how to protect the paint from insects.

First, don’t use bug removers on a hot car, and don’t leave them on the paint for a long time. Car chemicals evaporate quickly, and the remains can penetrate the bodywork and cause chemical sludge. It’s similar to hard water, which evaporates. Water spots remain on the windows or varnish and burn into them.

Second, if you don’t manage to eliminate all the bugs on your first try, just repeat the action. Don’t try to remove them by hand or by putting a pressure washer near the paint surface.

Thirdly and finally, a great way to protect the paint from the harmful effects of dried insects is a ceramic coating or wax. This is an effective barrier between the insects and the paint and allows them to be removed much easier.

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